Send Spam Report


API keys must be whitelisted to use this endpoint. Please contact us at [email protected] if you'd like to do so

There are three options for passing spam reports (see below). The event_type passed can be one of one of user_hid, user_unhid, user_burned, mark_as_spam, mark_as_not_spam or omitted.

  1. Spam report for an individual NFT - send a POST request with contract_address, chain_id, token_id, and event_type, e.g.,


(On Solana, token_id will be ignored).

  1. Spam report for a contract - send a POST request with contract_address, chain_id, and event_type, e.g.,


(On Solana, contract_address is often called mint address). On Solana, sending the metaplex mint as the "contract_address" will also mark the entire collection it is associated with.

  1. Spam report for a collection - send a POST request with collection_id, and event_type, e.g.,


In each case, if event_type is blank, the report will be assumed to be mark_as_spam

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!