Contracts by Wallet(s)

This endpoint is commonly used to pass specific chains and wallet addresses to get back a summary of the NFT contract ownership of these addresses, and the number of tokens owned.
To supply multiple values, provide them comma separated in the query params, e.g., chains=optimism,ethereum&wallet_addresses=0xa12,0xb34. ENS addresses can also be provided for the wallet_addresses.
Note that primary_key here will be the NFT contract_id for EVM chains, but for solana and bitcoin chains it will be the collection_id. And, for solana and bitcoin, contract_address will be null.
Also note that last_acquired_date here represents, for each collection, for the wallet address(es) passed in the query, the timestamp at which an NFT from the collection was most recently added to one of those wallets.
Similarly, total_copies_owned indicates the sum of the quantities of the NFTs from the collection that are owned by the wallet address(es) passed to the endpoint.
This endpoint also returns info on the distinct owner count and distinct NFT count for the listed collections.
To understand more about the difference between Collections and Contracts, please refer to our FAQ
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