Sale models

The SimpleHash API includes detail on the sale of NFTs inline within the response bodies of both the NFT and transfer models. Currently NFT sale information will be returned for sales that occurred on the marketplaces and chains shown here:

  • Ethereum: OpenSea, Blur, Magic Eden, LooksRare, X2Y2, CryptoPunks
  • Solana: Magic Eden, Tensor
  • Bitcoin: Magic Eden
  • Polygon: OpenSea (Seaport contract), Magic Eden
  • Arbitrum: OpenSea, Stratos, Trove
  • Arbitrum Nova: OpenSea
  • Avalanche: OpenSea
  • Base: OpenSea, Magic Eden
  • Blast: OpenSea, Blur
  • BSC: OpenSea
  • Optimism: OpenSea, Quix
  • Zora: OpenSea
  • Ethereum Goerli: OpenSea
  • Ethereum Sepolia: OpenSea
  • Arbitrum Goerli: OpenSea
  • Arbitrum Sepolia: OpenSea
  • Avalanche Fuji: OpenSea
  • Base Goerli: OpenSea
  • Base Sepolia: OpenSea
  • Blast Sepolia: OpenSea
  • BSC Testnet: OpenSea
  • Optimism Goerli: OpenSea
  • Optimism Sepolia: OpenSea
  • Polygon Mumbai: OpenSea
  • Zora Sepolia: OpenSea
  • Zora Testnet: OpenSea

We now also support primary sales on all EVM chains & testnets. This is the amount paid during the mint transaction.

Coverage of more chains and marketplaces will be added in the near future.

On NFT responses, sale information is included in the field named last_sale, whereas in transfer responses, it is included in the field named sale_details

last_sale and primary_sale models (included inline with the NFT model):

from_addressAddress selling the NFTstring / null
to_addressAddress acquiring the NFTstring / null
quantityThe quantity of the NFT being sold. For semi-fungibles (like ERC-1155), this quantity may be greater than 1int
quantity_stringSame results as quantity as a stringstring
timestampDatetime of the NFT salestring
transactionUnique identifier of the NFT sale transactionstring
marketplace_idID of the marketplace the sale occurred on (e.g. opensea)string
marketplace_nameName of the marketplace the sale occurred on (e.g., OpenSea)string
is_bundle_saleWhether the sale was a bundle sale or not (a bundle sale is where several items are put up for sale on a marketplace at a single price)boolean
payment_tokenDetail on the token used to make the NFT sale. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is truepayment_token / null
unit_priceIndividual unit price of an item within the NFT sale. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is trueint / null
total_priceTotal price of the NFT sale. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is trueint / null
unit_price_usd_centsIndividual price of an item within the NFT sale, in USD cents, as calculated at the time of the transaction. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is true or the currency conversion rate was unknownint / null

sale_details model (included inline with the transfer model):

marketplace_idID of the marketplace the sale occurred on (e.g. opensea)string / null
marketplace_nameName of the marketplace the sale occured on (e.g., OpenSea)string
is_bundle_saleWhether the sale was a bundle sale or not (a bundle sale is where several items are put up for sale on a marketplace at a single price)boolean
payment_tokenDetail on the token used to make the NFT sale. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is truepayment_token / null
unit_priceIndividual unit price of an item within the NFT sale. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is trueint / null
total_priceTotal price of the NFT sale. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is trueint / null
unit_price_usd_centsIndividual price of an item within the NFT sale, in USD cents, as calculated at the time of the transaction. Will be null if is_bundle_sale is true or the currency conversion rate was unknownint / null

payment_token model:

payment_token_idUnique identifier of the token type used to make the sale. Currently for ethereum ecosystem sales, this may be ethereum.native for the native ETH token, or ethereum.{contract_address} for ERC-20 tokensstring
nameName of the token, e.g., Ether derived from the contract or otherwisestring / null
symbolSymbol of the token derived from the contract or otherwise, e.g., ETHstring / null
addressContract address of the ERC-20 token used to make the sale (null in the case of the native ETH token)string / null
decimalsBase number of decimals of the token value involved in the NFT sale (e.g., 18 in the case of the native ETH token)int